All Things SAP
How to Repackage a Transport Request (TR) in SAP?

It is not very common but sometimes one might need to repackage their Transport Requests into a different or new Transport Request. For example, it could be because a new tool for managing Transport Requests (like ChaRM) was introduced and old transport requests need to be repackaged into new transport requests created via the new … Continue reading “How to Repackage a Transport Request (TR) in SAP?”
What is SAP IMG? – SAP SPRO Transaction

When somebody says SAP IMG or SAP SPRO, they usually mean the same thing – the main transaction for doing configuration of SAP ERP and S/4HANA software. IMG is a tool which is used in SAP to customize the SAP system to meet the organizations requirements. IMG stands for IMplementation Guide. SAP IMG provides a … Continue reading “What is SAP IMG? – SAP SPRO Transaction”
SM37 – SAP Background Jobs

SAP Background Jobs are used to execute long running or periodic transactions. Let’s discuss how to schedule them and monitor their execution using SM37 transaction. SAP programs can be executed in foreground and background modes. In foreground mode, the program executes immediately, and it is visible for the user. In some complex programs, it is … Continue reading “SM37 – SAP Background Jobs”
What is RICEFW in SAP?

All the functional and technical consultants work on RICEFWs during their SAP project life cycle in the realization phase. This blog talks about the RICEFW and its purpose in an SAP project. RICEFW stands for – Reports, Interface, Conversion, Enhancements, Forms, and Workflows. When the business requirement cannot be fulfilled by standard SAP functionalities, then … Continue reading “What is RICEFW in SAP?”
What is S/4HANA? – The Latest ERP from SAP

The fourth generation of SAP Business Suite is called S/4HANA. S/4HANA is an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system for large companies. SAP S/4HANA is designed as a simplified version in terms of usage and can handle larger data volumes as compared to the earlier SAP ECC. S/4HANA is more end-user friendly thanks to the new … Continue reading “What is S/4HANA? – The Latest ERP from SAP”