Cost center Accounting – Direct Activity Allocation

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    I wanted to learn CO and found this site very useful to start. I got stuck in the Concept Direct Activity Allocation. I tried to execute this scenario to calculate the Overhead costs and allocate them to receiver cost objects. What I did is, I created an activity type with category 1 and did the planning in KP26 along with the planning in KP06 for Cost center/Activity and Cost element. When I ran KSPI, system divided the total planned cost on cost center with the planned quantity from KP26 and calculated the planned fixed cost. Now I posted an FI document and the amount is greater than the planned cost. Now I wanted to distribute this actual cost to the receivers. When I do the direct allocation in KB21N, system considered planned fixed price to calculate the actual cost by multiplying the quantity entered in KB21N. But It didn’t consider the actual Price maintained/updated in KBK6. If this is the case, system is allocating planned costs to receivers But it supposed to allocate the costs posted by FI document. not sure where it is going wrong. Could you please help what should be done for this? Searched many websites and didn’t find any solution for this.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Cleo Isco

    It seems that you are facing an issue with the direct activity allocation process in SAP. From what you have described, it appears that the system is allocating planned costs to receivers instead of actual costs posted by FI documents.

    To resolve this issue, you need to check the configuration of your activity type and ensure that it is set up to allow for actual cost allocation. Here are some steps that you can follow:

    – Check the configuration of your activity type: Go to transaction KL02 and select the activity type you created. Ensure that the “Price Calculation” tab is set up to allow for actual cost allocation. Make sure that the “Actual Price” checkbox is selected.

    – Check the setup of your cost center: Go to transaction KS02 and select the cost center you are using for the direct activity allocation. Ensure that the “Actual Prices” checkbox is selected in the “Control” tab.

    – Check the setup of your receivers: Go to transaction KSPI and select the activity type you are using for the direct activity allocation. Check the setup of your receivers to ensure that they are set up to receive actual costs.

    – Check your allocation settings: Go to transaction KSPI and select the activity type you are using for the direct activity allocation. Check the allocation settings to ensure that they are set up to allocate actual costs.

    – Re-run the direct activity allocation process: After checking and updating the above settings, re-run the direct activity allocation process using transaction KB21N. The system should now allocate the actual costs posted by FI documents to the receivers.


    Thanks for your prompt response.
    1- Activity type is correctly configured
    2- Cost center is also configured properly
    3- KSPI is used for calculating the planned price. I think we do not have any option here to select the activity type and setting up the receivers.
    4- same as above 3rd one
    5- Actual price is maintained in the system. But still, it is allocating the price calculated by Planned price but not actual.

    Note: As soon as FI document is posted, I divided the total cost with quantity planned and whatever actual price comes out to be, I entered in the KBK6 ( Actual price). Then I executed KB21N and found that system is allocating costs with planned price to receiver’s cost objects.
    Please suggest what is going wrong here.


    Cleo Isco

    It seems that the actual price maintained in KBK6 is not being considered by the system during cost allocation. One possibility could be that the “Price Control” field in the cost element master data is set to “S” (standard price) instead of “V” (moving average price) or “A” (actual price).

    When the price control is set to “S”, the system uses the standard price maintained in the material master or cost element master data, rather than the actual price maintained in KBK6, during cost allocation.

    To check the price control for the cost element, go to transaction code KA03, enter the cost element and click on the “Control” tab. If the “Price Control” field is set to “S”, you may need to change it to “V” or “A” depending on your system configuration and requirements.

    If the price control is not the issue, then it may be necessary to review the allocation parameters in KB21N to ensure that they are set up correctly and that the actual price is being used for allocation. It may also be helpful to review any user exits or custom programs that could be impacting the cost allocation process.

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