Service master in a PO

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  • #48211

    I need to Know the service number to creaate a service entry. But the PO it’s not linked to an OA, neither has the service number indícated. How can I Know that?

    Cleo Isco

    In SAP, finding a service master from a Purchase Order (PO) when it’s not linked to an Outline Agreement (OA) can be a bit more challenging. Try these steps:

    1. Transaction Code ME23N: Start by accessing the PO you want to find the service master for using transaction code ME23N. Enter the PO number and press Enter. This will display the PO details.

    2. Item Details: Within the PO details, navigate to the item for which you want to find the service master. You can do this by clicking on the “Item Overview” tab or a similar option depending on your SAP configuration.

    3. Service Tab: Once you are on the item details screen, check for a “Service” tab or a similar section. This tab should display information related to the service item on the PO.

    4. Service Number: In the “Service” tab, you should see a field labeled “Service Number” or something similar. This is where you can find the service number associated with the service item on the PO.

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