SAP Certification Experience
People share their SAP Certification experiences
Six Simple Steps For SAP Certification Exam Preparation

One of the most commonly asked questions that we receive in our Facebook group and by e-mail, “How can I prepare for my certification exam?” Potential test takers also ask about the areas of study most exam questions cover and what type of training would help them be more successful in achieving a passing grade. … Continue reading “Six Simple Steps For SAP Certification Exam Preparation”
How to become a SAP BI Consultant (Business Intelligence)

This post is published on behalf of Kameswari Akella who works as SAP BI consultant at one of the Big 4 consulting companies. SAP BI consultant is a very demanding career option. SAP BI careers are in demand worldwide. How to become a SAP BI Consultant? The most common question is “How can I start my career … Continue reading “How to become a SAP BI Consultant (Business Intelligence)”
Effective ways to learn SAP BI (Business Intelligence)

Effective ways to learn SAP BI (Business Intelligence): Tips for newbies This post about the ways to learn SAP BI is published on behalf of Kameswari Akella who works as SAP BI consultant at one of the Big 4 consulting companies. As a SAP BI Consultant, I would like to mention some effective ways of learning SAP … Continue reading “Effective ways to learn SAP BI (Business Intelligence)”
The Do’s and Don’ts of SAP MM Certification

Here is a quick inside on do’s and don’ts of SAP MM Certification from people who have cleared this exam. Don’t look for dumps as you will find none in whole world. Go by each word, sentences and get familiar of all the screen that comes while doing excercise. SAP certification is not like Microsoft or CISCO … Continue reading “The Do’s and Don’ts of SAP MM Certification”
My SAP MM Certification Experience

I would like to share with everyone my SAP MM Certification experience. You might consider it useful to learn a couple of things before going to the exam. So, here are my experience and recommendations: 1) The examination questions are grouped together on topic-wise and evaluated accordingly. You can see at the beginning of the … Continue reading “My SAP MM Certification Experience”